...or rather a journey of a thousand (1200 to be precise) kilometers starts with one turn of the pedal. So here we go ...the preparation for Paris Brest Paris (PBP) 2011 begins in earnest. The ride itself does not start until August 21st next year but I have fitness to regain, kilos to lose after a summer off from audaxing and fitness to retain through the coming winter months. Then there is the qualification Super Randonneur (SR) series (200k, 300k, 400k & 600k rides) to complete by mid June. To keep me motivated through the coming year I am aiming to complete the audax award of Randonneur round the year (RRTY) which requires completion of a 200k ride or longer for 12 consecutive months. It all sounds so easy in print!
So pop by this blog from time to time to catch up on planned rides, ride reports and general progress towards the big one!